Monday, 27 February 2012

10 Diffrent Ways To Use Technology!

There are soo manny diffent reason to use technology at any time aor anywhere, we can use computers for our personal use or for educational purpose , or even just to get entertained.

There are many other diffrent technology are being used rather than computers, since computersresearchers have up-graded there technology even more in advance for people to use are even more helpful and more in demand to use by every consumer.

here are some technology which are now in demand and highy qualifed gadagets to use everywhere you go and easy to carry:

  • Ipod Touch: touchable and organizie everything as you want.
  • Ipad : samething as ipod touch , but still excellent for school purpose( instead of carry heavy books and binders.
  • Laptops: good for students and easy to recharge it and carry in hand .
  • Cell Phones : very good product to carry, and keep in touch with family and friends..
In conclusion other technology is highy advanced and are very demanable to be used by every one. since computers have helped and also have troubled us at times now other technologhy have given us more to explore.  
Ouestion: Take a min or two and think , dose apple products are really better to use or no?

What Is The Importance of Computers In Our daily Lives!

In today’s world, it is almost impossible to think that one can survive without computers. They have become a gadget of almost daily use for people of every age.
Computers are important in almost all the business transactions that are made today. The most that any field has gained from the invention of the computers is the business field because of its nature.

Computers have gained importance as they have increased the productivity and efficiency of work done.
Large amounts of data in the personal lives as well as in businesses and industrial sectors are stored on computers.
Computers have also brought a revolution in the field of medicine. Not only clinics and hospitals can store data, the doctors can also make use of the computer to scan patients’ bodies and even perform surgeries that would have been quite complex and dangerous to do so without the finesse provided by the computers.

Computers have also been important in the research areas of science and technology from storage of data to performing complex calculations. The importance of computers is also undeniable in the world of communication where now the world has indeed become a global village because of this miraculous invention.

 In  conclusion Computers have also have given entertainment and media industries. Be it a two minutes commercial or a multi-million dollars movie, computers have changed the very concept of providing entertainment to the general public.

How Are Computers Helpful For Students.

A computer is a great thing for a student to have, mainly because of word processing (Microsoft Word). Students can take notes in classes easier without any issues due to handwriting, sumdging, or cramping.
Students can also make easy to present, and easy to view (in other words visually appealing) presentations (Powerpoint), which are a great alternative to posters or speeches.

As technology is more and more incorporated into education, books will have special activities or quizzes online, or teachers will demand typed work. Some classes (mainly in college, however, some high schools are beginning to integrate online quizzes and materials into classes) take place entirely online.
In conlusion  computer are excellent resources for students, should students only be allowed to use just for educational purpose or now ?

Using Collaborative Software for Team Writting.

In this entry it is talking about how fustrating tasks for teams is writing shared doucument, and keeping in mind diffrent versions and reconizing who have made what comment can be confusiong.

Online collaboration tools are especially necessary when team members are not physically in the same location. But even when members are nearby, they may find it necessary to use online collaboration tools such as:

  • E-mail: remain a popular tool for online intermittent data,(hotmail, facebook, twitter)
  • Mailing Lists: can be archived online, providing posts and full-text searchings.Instant

  • Instant Messaging : is gaining acceptance , that allows members to clear up minor matters immediately, helpful in quick group discussion.
  • Blogs and Wikis: are helpful in spreading ideas quickly. wikis are good tools for building up knowledge.
In conclusion i think that e-mailing and using instant messaging is great way of communicating with friends without taking any kind of risk, and is safe to use whenever you want use it.
Question ? Do you think  Facebook is a great online tool to communicate with friend?
                    what are the disadvatages of it.
Please Let me Know Guys!

Designing and producing Professional-looking documents, presentation and web pages

Most software available has techniques available to aid you in constructing a professional looking document. You are able to change things like your font to different styles and sizes. You can use italics, boldface, and symbols. You can use these techniques to keep a consistent flowing document.

When using prentation software you can incoprate with things like slide shows, colours. effects, sound pictures and also shourt videos. Web document buliders can also help build designs and construct web pages for all kind os uses.

In conclusion having good software we all can use them very easily and have our projects and other presentations going in a very postive direction.

Refer to software such as (power-point, windows video maker)

Collecting Information Electronically.

Collecting information electronically  is a knowledge worker in an information economy where information are found very easily and have quick access to world's information and data bases on the web.

When you are using a computer it is easy to find information quickly. You can find almost anything you want to know on the internet. Using a computer to locate databases on the web is an effective way for finding information.


In conclusion the benefits in collecting data from certain electronic sources regarding practice based research is very helpful to gain more knowledge and to put to our daily practice.

Ouestion? Do you think is right to use web browser for our daily life use1 why or why not
Let me know.

Adding Grahpics For Emphasis.

In this entry i will talk about how does memos and reports that we write could be improved by graphs and networks inorder to clarify the illustrae data.

If you work for company's where you have to write letters, memos, and reports, this could be useful to you. The use of graphs, chatrs and artwork is a way to clarify your ideas and to illustrate data that can be very useful.

While adding graphics or other resources, youshould refer to charts, diagrams, spreadsheet or even draw-and-paint programs. This is way to show your projects or presentation done in a confress room.Using graphics and other diagrams are really help for an average person, beacouse an average person can understand more clearly how to present in front of others as his work.

In conclusion  when working in a company and presenting a project is really important to be very organized and be confident with your work , and clearly come to the point where other members can be satisfied with good performance.

Improving Correctness And Precision.

 This entry will explian about word processing programs, which can help catch and correct spelling errors. Which is also helpful for people to do their work for scholl and business purposes. Computers have all the facilites to correct the work beind done from microsoft Word or Excel.

In the process of writting or typing on the computers, you might come over Spelling mistakes or Grammer error. Grammer checkers detect many errors in capitalization double negatives, verb use, subject verb agreement and other writting errors.

When using on of the computers data base or word processor all the erros will be highlighted or even be underlined for correction.

In conclusion  Improving your writting skills by using word processor and also typing throgh computers can buld up your speed and good way of writting format for any kind of writting skills .


Outlining And Organizing Ideas.

In this entry I will explian how much important is to organize your ideas. When writting  Letters, Business messages or Web Pages, while using computers and internet resources.

When writting a message or a letter for any Business purpose, you should Outline and Organize ideas,The purpose of an outline or organize is to put your ideas about the topic on paper, in a moderately organized format. The Key is to have a well organized speech audience to remember .

Before Writting, In order to have outline and organize your ideas , its important to have Body of Speech which will indicate the central ideas and the main topics. When listing the main points decide how much information will the audience be able to pay attention and remember it.While organinzing the Main topic and main points of your ideas is to have under logical organizational pattern, such as casual, problem sloution or as tpoical.

During writting outline what have you written so far and check if you are not off topic. When writting your first draft, dont't begin at the beginning try to start with a main point which seems easy to you and then start with the introduction.

In conclusion this entry is about how to writte web messages while using computer and internet resources, and tell people that it is important to organize ideas of their own in specific format when writtng messages.

Sunday, 26 February 2012

Fighting Writer's Block.

Throughout this entry I will be talking about Writer's Block, which have become a weakness of every individual student, and how can each student can fight against it.

A writer's block is a normal occurrence that comes to people, especially students who are in college or High school. This happens when you try to extract ideas but it seems like that you have reached to a dead end or have ever expirenced being blank minded infront of your laptop or pice of paper.

Writer's block accurs mostly to students, when they are given assignments such as essays or creartive writting. Many students easily come up with ideas, while others don't like writing, or they may not feel that they have the creativity to come up with good ideas.

It's clearly understood that if you are facing these problems you are simply afraid or you might have anxiety about writting. In order to avoid writer's block you should:

  1. Share Your Ideas and Get Ideas From Others.
  2. Think Of Topic That You Are Intrested.
  3. Brain Storm (whatever come to your mind, on piece of paper)
  4. Get Enough Rest ( brain and body can become exhausted).
  5. Get Fresh Air (do your writting work outside, it helps in thinking).
In conclusion, this entry explians that students should not consider themslves helpless just beacouse of Writer's block, and should take a step ahead to fight it back. It's good to face challanges and turn your weakness into powr-ability of walking along with everyone in the battle.